
广州精钻贸易有限公司是一家集生产与贸易为一体的综合企业。我公司多年来专注于金属餐厨用品,酒具,咖啡用具以及其他家庭用品,具备精良的技术设备,采用先进的制作工艺,一直致力于为国外客户开发提供雅致新颖,制作精美的产品,深受国外消费者的肯定与青睐。 公司本着“求真务实,诚信为本”的发展宗旨,以“精工制造,钻石品质”为核心价值。不断追求进步,努力开发优质产品,竭诚欢迎海内外新老客户携手共创美好未来,欢迎来图来样开发。 Guangzhou fine diamond trade co., LTD is a production and trade as one integrated enterprise. For many years, I focused on metal kitchen supplies, wine, coffee equipment and other household items, with sophisticated technology and equipment, using advanced production technology, has been committed to innovative development for foreign clients provide elegant, exquisite products, favored by overseas consumers certainly and. The company spirit of "practical, integrity-based" development purposes, with "seiko manufacturing, diamond quality" as the core value. Constantly pursuit of progress, and strive to develop high quality products, we sincerely welcome new and old customers at home and abroad to join hands in creating a better future, welcome to figure to sample development. [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:广东广州市番禺区迎宾豪泰酒店用品博览城5106-5110档 浙ICP备17016739号-4
